"Are women really at risk of disappearing"? was posted on June 14, 2011. Journalist Mara Hvistendahl says that it's a possibility the consequence of world to be full of men. According to her research, the world demographic is in favor of men. Such as in China, 120 boys are born for every 100 girls, the ratio in India is 108 to 100, and In South Korea is 110 to 100. In many cultures families likes to have men more than woman, they say that the men earns more money for the families, and the woman often just married off to other family and takes expensive dowries with them. In China and India, abortion had rise, when parents had see the results of the ultrasound and know that is a girl, not a boy, they would abort the girl, so that they can keep trying to get a boy and without increasing the family size. Although there are laws against sex-selection abortions, but we still find that each year in India there are 600,000 girls gets aborted. Kurlantzick's prediction about China was that he thinks within a decade, 30 million men in China may not be able to find wives if this abortion doesn't change. Now In China and India, they are trying their best to encourage to have baby girl by toughening their laws and instituting fines.
From where I had grow up, there was a law that each family could only have one child, if they wanted to have two, they would have to pay the government among of money, so many people in China when they are pregnant with their second child, they would either go to a far place from home to hide or they would just do it the easy way, that would be abort the baby.
Personally I think that there are both positively and negatively side about having more woman. Positively is that men don't have to struggle so much to find a woman to marry to. Negatively is that, according to this article, it says that if women continue to disappear, 30 million people in China might not be able to find wives, which means that population would go down. And also with a lot of men in this world could be more violent. It is impossible to have equal woman and equal men in this world, so one of the sex has to be less than the other, but maybe not by too much.
hello Autumn!
ReplyDeleteCertainly it indicates that you have some experience regarding the case, specifically in China.As you said at some point in the past Chinese's family were allowed to have only one children. This is what I knew before. I was surprised by the article arguing about the lack of women. Could you explain more what is the trend right now? Is there still restriction in number of children that a family can have?