Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Facebook's facial recognition: Privacy invasion?

There are over three hundred and twenty million people on Facebook. It is one of the largest free social networking websites in the world. Facebook is a good way to keep in touch with your friend who you don't get to see very often; and not just that, sometimes you can also find friends who you have lost touch with. Though facebook, you can get in touch again.You much be 13 years old to sign up for facebook. If you are under 13years old, it is illegal. I think it is good to keep your profile private when you sign up for facebook because there actually have been a lot cases of people using personal information on profiles to track people down and intentionally hurt them. Regarding picture tagging, you have the option to untag yourself if you don't like the picture that people tagged you in. That way, it won't show up on your profile again. I also like the idea that one of the EU regulators had. He says that tags of people on picture should only happen when you give prior consent. I think this is a really good idea. "The company notes that the feature only makes tagging suggestions, and can be disabled", but so far , they have received nominal user complaints. It seems like then people are not reacting too strongly to this now feature. In my opinion I like facebook and I don't have any problem with. I think the new feature it is very good way to connect with the friends you don't see a lot.


  1. Well! It seems like you don't have problem with automatically facial recognition. Do you think that is fair friends of your friend to know your name?

  2. The way you rephrased the whole article is really original. It may seems a bit informal, but I liked the way you integrated your opinion with the information illustrated from the article without any mental and physical separation .
    Also , I attended to agree with you on how good is the suggestion provided by the EU regulator, which gives FB a hint about reversing the sittings of their features , so instated of enabled features by default , we can have disabled features by default.

  3. I like your description about facebook the most common social network website. I agree with what you said about how facebook has both side and users will decide which side they will attempt to choice. For the tags photo issue, I think people should be more careful about what they post in their walls.

  4. I also like Facebook, and admit that most people don't care about this issue anyway. But I am still worried about the possibility that someone can abuse my personal data.

  5. I like Facebook and I would like to add a proposal as well. I think there should be an age limit as well for example if you are over 65 you should not use facebook!!
