Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Should a baby's gender be kept a secret?

 A Canadian couple had a four month old baby named Storm, and both of Storm' s parent decided not to tell anyone what gender is Storm, they had decided to keep it a secret. Only seven people know what kind gender is Storm.  The seven people were Strom's two young brothers, two midwives who helped in the delivery, and one close family friend, and the parent's wanted to keep it that way.
Isn't it unfair of the parents to keep Storm's gender a secret while not keep Storm's other two brother's gender a secret? I mean what's the point keeping it secret? Think about it, it is ridiculous, people are going to find it out anyway, is just the matter of time. Also they should care about what Storm would feel like when he find out what his parent had done to him, pretty sure it wouldn't feel good. Maybe they don't have to tell everyone about Storm's gender, but at least they should tell Storm's gramparents or some other family members. They let a close family friend know about the gender of Storm, but the rest of the family are not allowed to know? That dosn't seem right to me. I don't thinks that by not telling people about Strom's gender is going to protect him and have some kind benefit in his life. If my parent had done this to me, I will be very mad at them, because I think is very selfish and wrong to do this to their baby, it could hurt them. I understand that sometimes is not other people's busyness, than you can just chose not to tell them, but is also unnecessary to kept it as a secret, is just not right.
Personaly I think Storm's parent's are making the wrong ideal and they just don't know it, and I also thinks that Storm is boy, because Storm this name seem's like it would fit for a boy than a girl.


  1. That's just freaky! when I first read the title i thought, It meant before birth. But after birth is as you said silly. I want to know what is the parent thought when they decided not to tell anyone what is the gender of the baby? I believe too that it is going to be harmful for the baby in many ways. It might affect him emotionally when he or she grows bigger. I laughed a little bit of the last part of your post, I believe storm is a girl's name. It can be both. but if you watched the x-men there is a lady called storm. So maybe the name is after her. Who knows?

  2. I agree with you Atumn, that people will know eventually the child's gander. It is useless to keep it secret, and it just effect on the child personalty. Also, confused all the people around them.
